Obzorje Evropa: Informacije s področja grozda 1 – Zdravje – Projekt tipa PCP (pre-commercial procurement) TIQUE, 1. spletna delavnica 30. 6. 2022 med 11.00 in 12.00

V okviru projektu tipa PCP (pre-commercial procurement) TIQUE je odprt razpis za udeležence na trgu, ki ponujajo raziskovalne in razvojne storitve na področju zdravljenja in oskrbe bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem. Z namenom promocije razpisa bo 30. 6. 2022 organizirana prva izmed dveh spletnih delavnic, med 11.00 in 12.00.

Sporočilo EU

The EU funded pre-commercial procurement TIQUE (#965356) has published its Call for Tender. It invites all interested market actors to submit tenders for R&D services, which develop original and innovative solutions to improve treatment for patients with advanced heart failure and complex care needs through technology enabled integrated care solutions – thereby implementing a predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory model of health care services for patients with heart failure. Testing is expected to take place in Barcelona, Region Västerbotten and Avellino.

The Call for Tender is published on the project’s website and is also advertised via the EU official channel Tender Electronic Daily. In order to promote the TIQUE’s Call For Tenders, the procurers will launch two Explanatory Workshops for potential bidders during June and July.

Please find the promotion leaflet attached and the announcement in social media.
