Horizontal ICT network


Organizationally, the horizontal ICT network belongs under SRIP Smart Cities and Communities. It is defined as a set of enabling technologies and serves as support for all SRIP Smart Cities and Communities and also for other SRIPs. Horizontal ICT network follows the vision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of making Slovenia a green reference country in digital Europe. The said referentiality is realized through an exemplary model of collaboration between the business sector, science and the government in the introduction of modern digital solutions into people’s lives.


There are two groups of objectives for horizontal ICT network.

First and foremost, the objectives will be aligned with achieving the targets of SRIP verticals’ focus areas and towards synergies with the other stakeholders to meet the global S4 (Slovenian Smart Specialisation Strategy) objectives:

● To increase the share of high-tech intensive products in the export: a rise from 22.3% to a EU-wide average level amounting to 26.5% as of 2015;
● To increase the share of exported services with a high knowledge content in the total export: from 21.4% to 33%, ie. halving the gap to the EU average;
● The rise of total entrepreneurial activity from 11% at least to the EU average level of 12.8%;
● To connect the stakeholders – business entities, educational and research system, NGOs, government and individuals into value chains according to the economy of closed material loops. To develop new business models among industries for the transition to the digital economy, in this way entirely reflecting the mission and purpose of horizontal ICT network;

The second group of objectives covers the realization of developmental ambitions and the definition and execution of development in horizontal ICT network focus fields:

● At least 3 digital innovations with mutual innovations in the business operations and technologies
● Developing at least one product in each of the 6 IKT_Hm fields
● Selling at least 5 solutions/products on the target markets

Horizontal ICT network strategy

The basic objective of Horizontal ICT network according to the S4 strategy is providing support to the developmental activities of all SRIPs in the field of ICT, above all in the preparation of foundations for the use and integration of ICT as enabling technologies.
The digital transformation as a key paradigm of modern development and human progress removes the gap between ICT as a technology and different processes (industrial, business, citizen …). Active collaboration between Horizontal ICT network and the other SRIP Smart Cities and Communities verticals and SRIPs shall therefore be its key task.
In scope of Horizontal ICT network, we are going to focus on the development and implementation of integrated systems/platforms, and at the same time use our competence and solutions to support the developmental activities in the focus fields of individual SRIPs and SRIP Smart Cities and Communities verticals. Therefore, we are going to form intense relations with all the SRIPs, get involved in the value chains and participate in the development.
Horizontal ICT network is going to actively support its members and new value chains in the penetration into foreign markets.

Head of ICT horizontal networks: Andreja Lampe.
E-mail: andreja.lampe@gzs.si

Horizontal ICT network covers 6 fields:

Key orientations – Focus areas of Horizontal ICT network